Monday, July 15, 2024

One Drawer at a Time - Living and Dining Room

 I have now come to the last room in the house for my one drawer at a time project.  This will be the hardest room for me because there's a lot of stuff in here.  And you all know how much I love my stuff!  But I am looking forward to this challenge because letting go of things will be good for me.  It's not like I have to give everything away, but I can let go of things that I will never use and have little emotional connection too.  

And who knows what all I will find?  I actually started in this room yesterday and was cleaning out a drawer in the buffet and found several Christmas dishes I thought I'd lost.  Oops LOL  Now I know where they are and hopefully will remember come December.  We shall see. Anyway, I anticipate that this room, while being the hardest for me, will also be the most fun.  We shall see how it goes!

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