Thursday, July 11, 2024

The Flower Vase

 This vase belonged to my Great Grandmother Bivens. It is from sometime around the early 1900s. It used to sit on the mantle in the den of the old home place.  When it was divided up, Grandmother got it and it went onto a shelf in her den.  Then it came to me and I put it in various places. 

It is stamped Bavaria on the bottom. Of course, it has yellow roses on it, so I love it. I love the pale yellow and brown background colors, very earth tones. I have often wondered about vases shaped like this.  I have often wondered about vases shaped this way. I can see it being a decorative piece but not necessarily a useful vase.  With such a small opening in the neck, it looks like you can only put a few flowers in at a time or the flowers must have incredibly small stems.  I should buy some flowers and play around with it and see what works. Still, it's a lovely decorative piece and I enjoy having it!

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