Sunday, July 24, 2016

Thought for the day

Here i am, enjoying a quiet Sunday morning, pondering what to do with my day.  In my head, there are so many choices of things that need to be done and things i want to do, so i need to spend some time figuring that all out.  i know i will make it to church this morning for sure. Maybe throw in some grocery shopping as well.  We shall see.

But i've been thinking, now that the summer is half over, that i need to make the most of my time before school starts next month.  i am very excited about the upcoming semester but i want to enjoy these last few weeks.  i have done a fairly decent job of seeing people but there are still those on my list that i have not gotten to yet and i need to catch up!  And also get out and do some things.  There are many fun, free things in Greensboro that i can do and i need to get myself out there and do them before my schedule becomes so jam packed that i won't be able to!

So, you know how i am about my lists.  It's time to make a new one of things to do!  i do enjoy my lists haha  We shall see how that pans out for me.  Until then, enjoy your Sunday and have a relaxing day!


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