Friday, February 7, 2025

Christmas Music


I love Christmas music.  There is no denying that.  In fact, I'm listening to some now as I write this blog. I l listen to it all year round.  After all, it's really good music.  Now, I do not subject others to Christmas music throughout the year unless they love it as much as I do.  And I do not appreciate when stores and radio stations begin playing it on October.  I do believe that, in the public realm, it needs to be played in the actual season but that's another story.

One of the things I love about it is the variety of versions of the same song I can listen to.  It is so interesting to hear different interpretations of the same song or carol.  Usually, they work out great but not always.  Not everything can be a winner haha! But I also love it because of the consistency in my life.  It is my happy music.  Anytime I am having a bad day and want to feel better, I will pop a Christmas record on the player and just let it take me away to a better place.  It almost always works. It is a coping mechanism that I have used my entire life, and it works for me. 

I did not listen to all of my records this past season.  Well, I have over 300 Christmas albums on vinyl so that would have had to be the only thing I did in my free time.  That seems a little excessive to me LOL But in my cleaning things out around the house before Christmas, I did find my stash of Christmas CDs. I decided that would be my holiday music this year for the main part. I finally finished to all of the recently as there were over 150 CDs to enjoy.  That is a lot of music.  But it made me happy to do it, so that is what matters.

Christmas music is a part of the holidays that I can carry with me throughout the year.  And I do. I have no shame in admitting that at all. Life is short, so I take the happiness wherever I can.

That is all. 

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