Saturday, February 15, 2025

Daily Challenge - Today's Devotion


I really am enjoying my daily devotions.  It is a nice way to start my day.  I am finding that it grounds me somewhat and I feel like I am beginning my day in a healthier way. This morning's devotion felt like it was made just for me.  It was all about the passing of traditions from one generation to the next. The writer spoke of her grandmother and how she loved to entertain.  She would spend a lot of time planning a dinner party, the menu, the guests, the settings, etc. When her grandmother moved into a nursing home, the house was divided up and she received many of the things that her grandmother used while entertaining. She now carries on the tradition of hosting dinner parties using the pieces passed down to her.  And with each dinner party, the spirit of her grandmother is present.

Well, that is pretty much me. While it has not been a rough week, per say, I did have many different feelings going on this week.  The anniversary of Mom's passing 29 years ago was Thursday.  Then Valentine's Day on Friday.  I have nothing against Valentine's Day, but it is a reminder that I am single and most likely always will be. That is ok, but it gets thrown in my face everywhere I turn that one day of the year.  I survived. It was so nice to wake up and read this devotion today. God was reminding me that I have not only received many things from those that came before me, but that I have much to give and a legacy that will someday be remembered.  

It was a refreshing way to start my day. 

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