Saturday, February 22, 2025

Going to a play next weekend

 Over the past year or so, I have been to see more theatre than I have in the last 15 years. I have seen both plays and musicals.  Some were professional tours; some were college productions.  I enjoyed every single one of them. Now, that is not to say they were all perfect.  They were not.  But that's part of the fun of attending theatre. Even when it's not so great, it is probably still going to be better than most of what you see streaming these days. And it is ALWAYS good to support the arts, especially the local arts.

Next weekend I am going to see a play at UNCG.  It is called Everybody.  I am looking forward to it for a few reasons.  One, I am going to see it with my friend Stephanie and her son, Kai, who is a student in theatre at UNCG.  Two, I no absolutely nothing about this play other than reading the vague synopsis provided when I got my ticket.  I love going to see shows that I know nothing about because it's always a surprise. Hopefully, I will enjoy the play itself. Three, it's in a space that I haven't seen used as a theatre before.  I don't know what it is called these days, but back in my day it was the recital hall in the music building (which is now a theatre building). While I have seen plenty of recitals and concerts in the facility, I have yet to see a stage play so I am looking forward to seeing how that will work.

It is fun to see new things on stage and I am very much looking forward to this experience.  I will update you on my thoughts on the piece in the next week or so.  Here's to more theatre in my life!

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