Wednesday, February 5, 2025

Thought of the Day


Like millions of other people, when Facebook first came on the scene, I was totally enthralled with it.  I would spend every free moment on there for this reason or that. I can look back now and see how dangerous that was for my mental health. And it escalated and soon became my go to for everything in my life. Things that I would normally not say in person easily became a status. Those memories are now embarrassing for me.  Alas, it is something I guess I had to go through at the time.  It also became my source for all socialization and in many ways, I feel like I have lost my ability to connect with other people in real time.  Well, I won't say lost exactly but my skills are definitely lacking. Just ask the few people who have been on a date with me over the last two years LOL

Now, with the power of social media growing at momentous speeds each and every day, it has become a circus.  When I was a kid, Mom would but me tabloids like The National Enquirer and other such magazines because they were fun to read.  Even as a child, I knew it was fiction.  A good example of creative writing, however! But now I feel like I'm living in one of those magazines.  Anyway, the point being that I was letting Facebook take my power away from me.  I was going with the flow and falling down rabbit hole after rabbit hole and it was NOT good for my psyche. So, over the last few years, I have made the conscious choice to make my Facebook a place where I can be safe.  I work hard so that my algorithm is filled with things that I enjoy and not all of the hell going on around me.  I can find that anywhere.  My page is filled with things that I love, things that are good and hopefully comforting and inspiring.  I want my friends to know that if they need a break from Facebook drama, that they can come to my page and just let out a sigh.

I don't live in a vacuum.  I don't live in a bubble.  I don't live with my head in the sand. I'm not Pollyanna, even though it's one of my favorite films. I'm just taking back my power from Facebook and putting my mental health above today's disastrous headlines.

That is all 

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