Wednesday, February 12, 2025

I miss having a piano


There are times when I really miss playing piano.  It has been a part of my life since I was at least 6 years old.  I began taking lessons when I was in kindergarten and studied until I was a senior in high school.  I had two different instructors:  Patricia Spittle and Peggy Nash.  The only things I did not like were the recitals.  I hated being in them, especially when I had to sing. Still, it was part of the process, a necessary evil in the world of piano and I got through it.  Sometimes great, sometimes not.

But playing the piano has always been so relaxing to me.  I could just sit and play for hours. Not practice, mind you, just playing for my own enjoyment or the enjoyment of others.  Usually on Sundays after church and our Sunday lunch, I would play for Grandmother.  Mom would join in and play as well.  It was just a wonderful time filled with music.  I get that from Mom.  Dad always says that anytime Mom was having a really bad day and did not feel well, she would go into the living room and sit down at the piano. So I come by that naturally.

It is a cold rainy morning here.  If I had a piano, this would be a perfect morning to sit down and play some David Lanz or some hymns, two of my "go to" genres I love to play.  I had a piano here in the house at one point, but it was not worth getting fixed and we got rid of it.  While I miss having one, it was the right thing to do.  I always wish I had kept the piano I grew up playing, but that's my own fault.  Mom always told me that the legs were glued on and could not be removed.  At the time, my apartment was not capable of fitting a baby grand through the doorway.  Well, she was wrong, and we all found that out when it was moved.  But a church that wanted it purchased it so at least it went to a good home. 

Maybe one day I'll get another piano.  I would at least like to find one somewhere to sit down and practice. It's been way too long.  In the meantime, I will cherish the memories.

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