Sunday, September 11, 2022

Student Life the 3rd Time Around - Learning the ways of the computer

One of the challenges that I'm facing being a student again is technology.  Technology and I don't always get along.  I really don't have anything against computers.  They serve a purpose and they have their moments of being quite convenient for things.  But I don't live by my computer.  And there's nothing wrong with people that do, it's just not me.  So, there are lots of things I don't know how to do yet. 

Now, having said that, once I learn something on the computer I'm usually pretty good to go.  I may have to practice a few times, but all in all once I'm shown how to do something, I retain that information.  With all of my classes being online, the computer is the major tool of my education, so I need to embrace and use it to the best of my abilities.  It's my abilities that are the issue LOL

In the last 4 weeks, I have become that student that annoys everyone.  I'm always asking questions about how things work.  I know that my professor cringes when she sees my name pop up on email because chances are I'm asking her how something works on the computer.  I have actually figured a few things out on my own, but most of the time I have to ask someone.

A lot of the issue lies in my anxiety.  I am so afraid that I've missed something that I panic.  I haven't missed anything yet, but I sure have felt that fear.  Sometimes things are worded in such a way that I could take it several ways and I naturally take it the more difficult way.  I will get it all figured out.  I'm actually really enjoying learning the computer techniques.  And I knew this was going to challenge me when I signed up for this.  It just gets frustrating sometimes.  And 9 times out of 10, if I just "right click" on something, chances are the answer will be right there!

Now, I need to make sure my school computer is plugged in so that I don't freak out!

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