As we are slowly decluttering our house, I have been thinning out my books. Now, let me first say that I love books.....who'd have thought that, right? I enjoy reading now. I didn't always, but as an adult, I really love it. But I have too many books. Plain and simple. Part of that is because we will go to Ed McKay's and I'll peruse the cheap book section and walk out of there with a basketful of books. And there's nothing wrong with that at all. But I've reached the point where I have stacks of books all over the house and that just has to change.
As I'm going through the books, I'm forming a list of criteria on which to base whether I keep it or let it go. It's not absolute, but it's helping me in the process.
1. Is it a family heirloom? I have a good many books that I inherited from Grandmother and her sisters. I keep a lot of them, but have let some go as well. Nothing that I was too emotionally connected to. The ones I keep mean a lot because I feel like I have a piece of family history in my bookcase.
2. Was is a special gift from someone? These are generally books I'll keep because not only were they gifts, but someone was thinking of me when they got it for me. Especially if they have inscribed it.
3. Will I read it again? This is a tough one because often I'll say, yes, I'll read that again one day. But when I was going through books the other day, I really stopped and asked myself if I would read it again or not. And there were a few times that I waivered but decided that if I wanted to really reread it and I didn't have it anymore, that's what the library is for (which I need to support and don't)
4. Is it a valuable book? I don't have many that are considered valuable and if they are valuable, it's nothing astronomical. I have a few antique sets of books which probably have a little value, so I'll hold onto them. Otherwise, since I probably bought them for a quarter, I can let it go.
5. Do I have a place for it? I specifically have 3 places where books should be: the stack bookcase in the living room, the bookcase in the office and the top half of the secretary. Now, I'm not including cookbooks in this blog because that's a different story all together. And, no, I don't have a good place for them either!! The bookcase in the office has one shelf of books and 3 shelves of records...of course LOL So, that's another area I'm working on.
Still, I love books and will continue to read them and purchase them, I just need to be more particular of what I'm buying. That way, I don't end up with stacks of books everywhere. I can handle that. So ends today's episode of Around The House
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