Wednesday, September 28, 2022

Writing a paper

 I am currently in the beginning stages of writing my 2nd paper as a graduate student.  The first one was fairly well received, overall.  This one, I'm having a difficult time getting started.  Earlier in the semester, we each did a gerontology career exploration. Now we have to take that exploration and apply one of the theories we have studied to it.  Seems simple enough, right?

Well, anytime I write anything it seems that I spend hours staring at the blank page...just waiting to put the first words on the page.  I wouldn't call it writer's block because I have so many ideas swirling around in my head.  I just find it hard to get those first words to get me going.  Once I do that, I'm pretty good to go.  And, usually, those first words I started with end up getting majorly edited or altogether deleted.  Ah, well.

I have to keep telling myself not to make this harder than it needs to be.  Once I can convince myself of that, the words usually start flowing like lava.  It's just a matter of getting to that point.  I have found my anchor theory for the paper, which is good.  Now, it's simply time to write...and rewrite...and proofread...and rewrite...and proofread again.  Seems like a never ending process.

But I can do this.  I'm a good writer.  I just need to believe in my abilities.

That is all.

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