Sunday, September 4, 2022

Thought for the day - balance

 Now that I am back in school and also working full time, I really need to focus on the balance of home, life, school and work.  I don't want to focus too much on one thing and neglect the others.  And, admittedly, I have done that.  There are things I haven't paid as much attention to as I need to and it's time for work on that.  Overall, my life is very rich and fulfilling.  Yes, there will be more opportunities out there.  Yes, new people will come into my life.  But I am very thankful for what I have now and I need to show it more.

I already know that if I keep up with things, I feel better.  I just don't always make the time for them that I should.  And the problem truly stems from being able to blame something else. No, I didn't finish laundry because I was doing homework.  No, I didn't work on that project because I was cleaning the bathroom.  Etc, etc, etc.  Now, I'm not saying homework and cleaning the bathroom are not valid things to do, I just make too many excuses.  I think if I can really start to balance things, the excuses may still occur but might have some more validity to them.  It's hard to put into words, but it definitely makes sense in my head LOL

I need to take time to make time.  Life is too short not to soak up everything it has to offer.  But if I'm driving myself nuts and putting so much pressure on myself, I'll wake up one day and too many things will have passed by.  This is one of those moments when I know that time management is my friend.  Is there a course I can take on that?  I should look into it haha!  And I'm not saying that I will be able to get everything done.  That's not going to happen and that's ok.  I just need to spread my energy and enthusiasm to more than one thing.

I know that it is not fair to myself to compare myself to others, but I am always amazed at the example set by my parents.  They managed to work, have a home life and a social life and seemed to get it all done in due time.  And there were sacrifices made and they prioritized things, so that's what I'm really hoping to do more of to get this sense of balance that I long for.

Balance is not easy.  And whoever says it is...well, they're several steps ahead of me LOL  

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