Wednesday, March 5, 2025

Finding treasures at a thrift store

 It is no secret that I love dishes.  Always have. And I love collecting them.  And not just sets of china, which I definitely have too many of. But I love serving pieces as well.  And when I come across pieces at good prices, I just cannot help myself.  There are worse things I could be spending money on so I am not ashamed of this addiction haha!

There is a local thrift store called Reconsidered Goods that I love to go to.  I try to hit it up about once a month.  You can find all sorts of interesting things there as they also take things that have chips and cracks and aren't perfect.  I don't mind those because they show signs of usage, and I love to think of my things as being once used by someone.  It gives them a history. 

Awhile back, I was perusing the store and came upon these two serving pieces by Noritake.  I do love me some Noritake haha.  And I have developed a thing for gravy boats as well.  I don't know why.  People rarely use them anymore, but I absolutely am fascinated by them.  And there was a matching platter to go with it.  And they had red decoration on them.  I have very few china pieces with red as the base color.  

I got both of them for less than $10 total, so I was happy with my purchase. I have not used them yet and they are now packed away in a box somewhere in the garage.  That happens during the holidays as I switch things out! The platter does have a tiny flea bite chip under the rim, but it's still perfectly good. I haven't decided yet whether I will keep them or let them go.  Still, I will enjoy them in the meantime!

Happy hunting!

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