There is an old saying that goes "you never get a second chance to make a first impression" and that is so true. There are different people to whom the saying is attributed to. Some people say Oscar Wilde. Some people say Will Rogers. I, personally, remember it from the old Head & Shoulders Shampoo commercials LOL But, wherever it came from does not matter because it is very true no matter its origin.
For a long time, I have let go of putting much effort in first impressions. Everything seems to go back to the pandemic. I have gotten comfortable in being too casual with my appearance. Yes, I do have a dress code at work that I follow but I have not been putting a whole lot of effort into it. Since I do not get out and socialize much anymore (I'm working on that one) I have not felt like I had a need to make myself look good. By the way, I am NOT saying that I think I look bad at all. I just used to take special care of how I presented myself no matter where I was going or what I was doing. And I have simply stopped doing that.
Sometimes, though, it takes a good look in the mirror to change that. It happened to me a few weeks ago and really hit me hard. I was going to my first appointment with my new eye doctor. I walked in feeling fine at first. I looked around at the employees who were all really put together. They were either in crisp black uniforms or they were dressed very well. And then I caught a glimpse of myself as I sat in the waiting room. While I was dressed for work, as this was before my shift started, I just looked very unkempt. My hair was frizzy. My shirt was too tight and pulling at the buttons. I just looked like this big pile of slobbishness. I felt myself getting smaller and smaller as I sat in there waiting for my turn. Mind you, no one made me feel this way it is just the way I felt about myself.
So, I have begun to change how I get ready to go out each day. I am working on getting back into my exercise regime so the weight loss will take time. But I now am paying better attention to how I look before I walk out the door. Even when I'm just going out to run errands. I make sure my hair is done. I make sure that I am dressed to the best of my ability. While some may look at it as vanity, I do not. I am feeling better about myself which, I hope, translates into a better first impression. Either way, I am happy with this direction I am taking and plan on continuing it. That is all.
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